Abstracts submitted by E mail in any format will not be accepted. Abstracts submitted as text in the body of E mail will not be accepted. Abstracts submitted in physical form by post will not be accepted.
Please use font Arial size 12 with standard spacing and margins.
In case you face any technical difficulty in the process of abstract submission, please write to abstracts@apfssh2025.com Abstracts cannot however be submitted to this email.
During the abstract submission process, you will be required to choose between one of the three options - Paper, Poster, Paper or Poster. Those marked “Paper or Poster” will first be considered for paper presentation; only those that are not accepted as a paper will be then considered for poster presentation. Please do not submit the application twice.
Though it is not binding, please try to place your abstract in one of the broad categories of topics.
You may submit more than one abstract, however only one free paper (podium presentation) would be accepted per delegate for oral presentation. Other submissions from same delegate will be considered for poster presentation if found suitable. In this aspect, the decision of the reviewers and/or scientific committee will be final and binding.
Not more than 2 Posters from the same author/authors will be selected.
The papers for Best Paper Award session will be chosen from among the top scoring abstracts in the broad categories. The decision of the reviewers will be final and binding in this aspect.
The presenting author will be contacted for consent to include their paper in the Best Paper Award Session
Posters will be e-Posters, format of which will be conveyed to the delegates on acceptance of the abstracts for poster presentation.
Maximum number of authors for each abstract shall be six. Once an abstract is accepted, additional authors cannot be added.
Abstracts should be based on originalunpublished
Your abstract should not exceed 400 words excluding the title and is required to include the following sections:
Hypothesis/Purpose – The hypothesis/purpose should be stated clearly at the outset and is constructed so as to alert the reader to the specific question being asked. It should be no longer than one or two sentences.
Methods – The methods section is a summary of the experimental techniques and methodology utilized and should include a discussion of the statistical analysis.
Results – The results section outlines the basic data (and the statistical analysis thereof) collected by the investigator
Summary Points – The summary points section should consist of a series of point-form statements that outline succinctly the main experimental findings and their relevance.
Level of Evidence is also collected at the time of abstract submission. The committee reserves the right to change the level submitted based on their review.
Please do not mention authors / affiliation etc. anywhere directly or indirectly in the text, photographs, charts, graphs or diagrams.
Only registered delegates will be allowed to make presentations of paper or poster at the congress; however, registration is not compulsory for submission of abstracts.
Selected papers or posters will be disqualified if the presenting author does not register before June 30th No requests for change of presenting author shall be entertained once the abstract is disqualified.
It will be up to the discretion of the scientific committee to allow a change of presenter if, for some reason, the submitting author isn't able to make a podium presentation.
Each Free Paper will be of 6 minutes duration followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Papers in Best Paper Award session will be given 8 minutes for presentation followed by 2 minutes of discussion.
The evaluation of the abstracts & selection will be a completely blinded process.
Please do not mention authors / affiliation etc. anywhere directly or indirectly in the text. There is a separate section for that to be filled while making the submission. This will warrant disqualification of the paper as they are to be judged by a blinded peer review process.
Plagiarized / doctored study will be summarily rejected.
Please Note:
Please ensure that the abstract is limited to a maximum of 400 words (not including section headers). If accepted, the abstract and images will be reproduced in an abstract book, which will be copied in black and white.
All financial interests in the product or process involved with the research must be properly identified. This includes stock ownership, membership on an advisory board or board of directors, corporate sponsored research, or any other substantive relationship.
It is mandatory to have a master-chart ready for submission to the Scientific Committee before or after acceptance of the paper upon being asked by the scientific committee to do so.
The Scientific Committee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed against.
Certificate of presentation will be issued only to the presenting author.